Collaboration Opportunity:
This is a very special, safe and prosperous new business growth opportunity, for a wise major interest in the Maritime Industry
Our key interest is in the protection of the new vast market of this innovated discovery, so if your corporation is open and wise with hope to take leadership in the Maritime Industry with this discovery and its patent application, just contact us.
We have discovered a very beneficial phenomenon that grants more than 10 ecological, economic, and superior performance with added comfort capabilities plus added safety, all as positive commercial benefits. "Starting with: No Wash, High Lift, Superior Performance hulls - better economy more comfort and pride of ownership"
Referrals Welcomed
Please Note:
We welcome your referral of this opportunity, if you know the suitable commercial partner for this market ready project, and safe profitable new business growth opportunity.
A major, global, boats' manufacturer, shipbuilder, shipping interest, marine powering, as well as stability and advanced defense products' manufacturers
Because our discovery is very beneficial for several economic, safety plus performance, including comfort capabilities — we are searching for the suitable wise commercial partner who will be interested to collaborate in this market ready project and be rewarded by this new technological leadership for being part in helping the best proper introduction of our technologies into the National and International Maritime Markets.
There are at least 10 safe & tested commercial benefits which are added by the specialized fins added to any and all hulls, and more so by employing the advanced superior hulls design.
Superior Hulls Design, grants:
Just few of many more key benefits
Maximum internal space,
Best performance capabilities,
Best comfort and safety at all speeds,
Best economic capabilities,
Superior stability,
Wider bow, triple hulls look,
Lowest draft.
To bring our discovery innovated products-line and our superior hulls design as new safe, advanced and desirable optional benefit for all mariners, boats owners and maritime shipping.
Flexible Power Fins grant:
Just few of many more key benefits
Instant lifting capability,
Significantly improved performance,
Superior turning capabilities,
Wider economic speeds’ range added,
Much improved comfort and safety,
Improved powering/fuel economy.

Our invention also includes the option to eliminate exhausted fuel pollution of ships, starting by automatically enriching the air and oxygen content as the hull of a boat or ship passes/sailing over water.
In a very special innovated way, our patent is granting an impressive combination of several safer more comfortable green commercial benefits for boats' and ships' owners as well as special important defense qualities.

Existing ships create resistance waves push exhaust fumes the air - but our invention resolves both these negatives effects and adds positive ones for ships and boats

Our Original Greener Shipping !
The original concept of Superior Hulls, is greener and with ecological objectives which were created many years ago, while shipping fuels were/are the ones the industry is now targeting to eliminate by IMO targets for new fuels to be in use by 2030-2050 so with the new near future fuels the concept will be yet more environmental friendly and will keep its advantages on any other innovations for superior hulls, with better power efficiency and better shipping economy including the superior performance capabilities of the discovery based innovated "Product Line" plus Advanced Hulls' Design".

As small as

NO Spill as you turn