Monitor Advisory Board to the USA-PTO
Meetings of Advisory to the USA-PTO can be monitored here!
This is year 5784 for Evolution of Human Wisdom & Knowladge- and The Global Trading year 2023-2024
Meetings of Advisory to the USA-PTO can be monitored here!
Our shared Wisdom keep wining for the last 14 years we have been sharing it with visitors and members of this website and its related other website, and in fact, the sponsoring company has enjoyed the wisdom for over 44 years. It is not our prediction of the future as it is the recognition of […]
For those new to the issue of inventors having lost the ability to stop large corporations from just taking valuable, patented technologies, there is a short description, published by US Inventor Group.
This new proposal is so to mend the real damages of the PTAB process that Big Business has induced the USAPTO to implement against its original mandate to exist as Patent registry for stimulating economic growth by new startup by new inventions from any inventors. Among the many submissions, here is one we have shared […]
WE ARE PLEASED TO LET YOU KNOW: After too many years that The Global Patenting System has been evolving in selfish and destructive competitive ways, I am pleased to update the older website with one of the key features of the proposed modernization proposal needed by all global Inventor & Investors as well as positively […]
CALL TO ACTION: U.S. Senate Threatens to Extend Patent Invalidation Program WEDNESDAY UPDATE:More calls needed from CACall Capitol directly at 202-224-3121 The 2011 American Invents Act caused great harm to the rights of inventors in the U.S. The worst part was the creation of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). The PTAB is a division of the […]
Input from inventors to the USA PTO paper before USA Congress as part of making the system better and fair fo all.
Our shared wisdom is found on other websites like: PrePatent PrePartnering Modern Investing & Inventing
Posts’ Home, is a general page for some of our shared posts, world-wide, among our websites. Here you can read information from our other web-sites as well as from this one, and from here you can join our special interests’ groups which are related to smarter, wiser, business-development strategy in our times — for investors […]
This year I have updated this yet new website, so to replace the older one, also sponsored by my company, for benefiting by informing all other modern wiser inventors and investors wishing to realize successful implementation of yet promising projects in the more proficient and less disappointing and much less stressful and risky ways which […]
Welcome to our global blogging regarding modern strategic thinking before introductions of new arts.
Please make use of our shared wisdom Original Inventions and Investments which suport Prepatent Commercially Beneficial Projects are welcomed to “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Only Original Pre-patent Commercially Beneficial Projects are welcomed to “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Only here you will find the offer to be helped by specialized services yet to be automated – which are very important in the economy of new patentable services and goods.Please note: That only Original Prepatent Commercially Beneficial Projects are welcomed to “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Only Original Prepatent Commercially Beneficial Projects can be accepted for services at “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Check out this SlideShare Presentation: 1st Draft SHInc Presentation 2010 View more presentations from Superior Hulls & “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Only Original Prepatent Commercially Beneficial Projects are welcomed to “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Our truth is unveiled @ ELOHIM.CA where the connection is Life’s Natural Design we follow as in our blessing and cultural language of GOD Alohim for haAdam haRishon. “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
Only Original Prepatent Commercially Beneficial Projects are welcomed to PREPATENT.ORG as many inventors are not aware of the difficulties and if better solutions are already and also seeking the markets and consumers of the idea – as a discovery, can be an original idea as well.The advice of the method for wise investors and inventors, […]
My/our Discovery of a phenomenon exploited by our own innovations of our own advanced Inventions and yet new Science of “Advanced Marine Surface Effects Technologies“, where we plan to manufacture by employing nomadic intelligent In-Cell Robotics our new “Flying Sail Motor Boats”; had led us to also developing our corporate division for Smartened Toy-Tools which […]
Only Original Prepatent Commercially Beneficial Projects are welcomed to the Prepatent Prepartnering – where inventions meets investments prepatent prepartner “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
All people from all existing tribes and nations on our shared planet – have now few good places to read and be updated about the truth of our own as well as others’ cultures – yet as we share 1 world and mostly agree on 1 creator we should look deeper at our ONENESS which […]
Danger zone is up, as PDF can be more of a problem SPAM then IMAGE Spams, so Reversed action is recommended now. read more | digg story “Why Walk-On-Water if we Can Fly-On-Water.!?”
I was atracted by the invitation, but service and system have not evolved yet to be simply beneficial and comercial for its users/clients and memberships. So For FREE I had posted there some of my samples of Eevreet/Hebrew teachings of our special yet way for learning to be properly ready for Praising of Alohino haAlohim […]
The Flexible Power FINS invention, is a trade-secret, and our private simple website shows real impressive results but no secrets are shared on the invention we tested on 2 Demonstration Boats featured in video clips; and we also show, how you can make Your Ships, Surf on water, by adding the invention, see our OnLine […]
USCIIIIII-CODE is a Universal Standard, Coded Intelligently, for International, Intensively Interactive, Information Interchange — and it is based on the nature of our beings and modeled as we were created. Natural-Language_Tongues can be SynTexted as standard text for speech, and usciiiiii grants us the Universal Natural Logic SynTEXTING for EchoLogical machines, made in our created […]
Here is SAMPLE MultiLingual SynTEXTING The CALL FOR: Universally Intelligent Internet, and the Age of EchoLogical-Machines —- as the next generation and yet first next-generation Computers and Robots which are automated for working like us for us, verbally in harmony with any new original electrostatic and electromagnetic documentations and metadata processing, by super coolHOT machines […]
We are not only making our boats FLY but we also made our Sea-Doo FLY while its same model and better condition twin Model – is not able to fly, and just jet as a boat – and we do this by simply putting specialized FINS under the watercraft while also strengthening the hull and […]
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