Here we say YES to what is good, wise to do now, with existing shortcomings of a system which see inventors as paying clients mostly, and the resulted options are not blessed as intended by the original founders of the patent system, for all of us who rather see success and rewards for our good work and contributions to a better world to live and enjoy.
In simple words, be VERY CAREFUL and try making the best of the existing system.
We inventors, are starting as thankful people for our gifts of life and wisdom plus grace and concern for all created and alive; and as investors, we come into projects in hope of profits and positive growth for our capital.
When we are gifted with a new concept and opportunity which can be beneficial for many others, we wish to develop it alone so it is commercially protected as our trade-secret that the wiser ones among us shall keep forever as a secret if and where is possible, as to the discovery and its original formation into the innovation – while as expected from the patent system we shall plan to publish a patent by its “claims” “abstract” “specifications” so to protect the resulted are yet to be incorporated commercial project.
Sorry but: This new process description is long, for its embedded wisdom, so I shall come back to explain it, when I have the extra time to document it all at this website. But the general idea is described at
For now, you can reach me for personal free advice on the wisdom shared also @