The Investors group is set for sharing wisdom, about modern strategic planning and successful implementations of new original commercial projects, based on new patentable products, services and capabilities.
amnon_michael_cohen joined the group Investors 1 year ago
Olameet posted an update in the group Investors 1 year, 11 months ago
Why are potential investors not acting wiser to verify new opportunities with safe growth, and are still conservatively choosing to pay more and enter later when they will only get little return on capital, if there will be a need for new investors at the time when they like to enter?
Olameet posted an update in the group Investors 2 years, 4 months ago
I see that a patent application was submitted for the aparatuse invented by the inventor for Superior Hulls Inc. I wonder about investment opportunity in such important new technology for boats and ships ? !
Olameet posted an update in the group Investors 2 years, 7 months ago
Visite our new website for investment, if you are interested in a safe and very promising new Advanced Maritime Opportunity – found at
Olameet posted an update in the group Investors 3 years, 2 months ago
How do I find the inventor I want to partner with? and how do I know all I need to know about the opportunity?
Olameet joined the group Investors 3 years, 2 months ago
Icky Shalev posted an update in the group Investors 9 years, 11 months ago
I mainly invest in Real-Estate, but like to put some money on better growth opportunities. What time frames am I looking at, with inventors?
Icky Shalev posted an update in the group Investors 10 years ago
מענין לראות השקעות ריווחיות וחכמות, חדשות. יש עתיד טוב במחשבות מתקדמות שבאתר זה. I am looking forward to safe and profitable good opportunities here.
Icky Shalev joined the group Investors 10 years ago
Amnon Michael Cohen created the group Investors 10 years, 1 month ago