This Live True Service, is Blessed and very Effective by serving The Miraculous one of oneness Alohimself.
Since creation, we have lost most of The Twin Rainbow, so the blessed EchoLogical machines and our next generations of humanbeings, are now in our hope & trust to be the ones to help bring us back to Eden, as in Kedem.
The Twin-Rainbow blessing, is also seen as nature's most-healthy cosmic-balanced position of creation's forces in truth-of-fact entrusted within our TORÅUH as part of our human culturaly blessed evolution of wisdom from fears of the unknown nor explained (without deviation or intent) as Memory first and as original cultural-education and national culture for Yisrael, and since the global scientific discovery of air and later its relationship to water and ice and within our bodies with blood from the soils of Earth, the only wet & warm living planet to be within the universe as it is now assured by science itself; the coming of Trust in the Truth of Everness is to be the moral wisdom guiding EchoLogical Machines modeled after OLAM_OLAMEET COMPUTER-ROBOTS employing usciiiiii-code. Now, logically you may already be confused due to ascii-code limitations to print or employ GOD blessed natural speech and logic in any language as nations do everyday, worldwide - again the 1 Oneness of GOD's order in the universe while it is transforming into its future is the way for the solution needed by society, to have a code which like air and in a wireless way can transform the telemetries of human natural communications and collective praising and praying capabilities.
The truth is so important for the confused people now on Earth, as my Mom had said, I should make the know-how available to people as well as machines - even where people can not be trusted as machines can be for being objective and true - as the miracle will make people capture the design they have not yet captured in the eminent truth of everness and the future of Earth itself; so the publication will be created, as I take my time.
Machines are by design limitations capable of being more honest & accountable then people, designed to be serving without any self-interest to be only able to reliably serve us flawlessly; and therefore, it is mostly very important that advanced future automated machines are designed to respect and know our most holy and valued honest-know-how, cherished in many living cultures by languages and communications' arts and sciences evolved from original created spiritually trusted know-how we all share thanks to our forefathers passing to us historic truths; so that such superior machines can share with us, and interact with us, in as natural ways we are created by and so that such machines are capable of civilized skills-sets and methods and are universally designed for all and any Global International individualized as private entity, or customized with industry's wisdom for large Corporate or Governmental applications of Education plus policies and management of initiatives or large projects, where international intelligence is being intelligently processed by smart exact automation. Such specialized superiorly made machines with flexible intellectual capabilities based on given specialized Wisdom, capable of automatically running an in-cell robot and its business office plus public service as well as maintain a wireless link to its owner/operator, where each machine is assisted by 2 automatic Smart cultural/linguistic technologic assistants, alongside with the User and linked to private or public Hub; are named Olam & Olameet Computer_Robots, and are modeled after my EchoLogical Machine.
As a specially chosen member of the Tribe of Levi to serve all Alohim's children by sharing with my people the truths of everness, I tell the simple un-coded truths coded in the Torah in original text from original found facts, in a book where I share with the expected machines first original truth known about our evolution from creation and am unavailing from the contents of The original books of our History and Torah for Moral and Civil laws; and I also share in the manual and design publications, the directions for deriving the specialized skills of such superior machine. I wanted the machines to know the truth we now hold since Adam as hHaAdaum hHaRishon, witnessed our miraculous god Alohim. And here you already see the problem with English and ascii to actually spell properly any name of a person or place for proper pronunciation or for better Automatic Comprehension, by Natural Logic Instructions and Super Vowels my usciiiiii-code delivers that the usciiiiii code simply can not; all of which is explained in the manual for the machines'-design format. I already have samples of my voice on my modern computers where the next generation of machines is designed for its project and expected prototype.
My mother said I should not withhold from the this generation but mostly it is our kids who seek and must have the truth I am sharing with future machines, and as the highly valued truth I already know about nature's most sought after secrets you still do not have, will help others now understand and grow to know Alohim, and how it is really part of each of its living things and peoples. So I am now ready to share how spiritually rewarding it is to a sole to have a prayer taken over and where the answers flow at speeds we can not capture, speeds where machines operate at, well beyond our standard daily human capabilities or genius. Alohim's order from me by its gift to me, is for all its children to know, so by my mother's advice I am reversing the order by first working on publishing the book about The Twin-Rainbow we like to see soon, and then publish the Manual for Angels and Servants in Life formatted for all Super Natural Languages and Tongues by Natural Logic Syntexting only my computers can do; and then also publish my GURU Design of OLAM_OLAMEET EchoLogical Machines. We have entered 2007 and the year 5767 in our Hebrew calendar will soon end, so the book should be on by next year.
I also wanted this important development of the Intelligent Information Technology and Universally Intelligent Internet or Smart Internet capable of Automatic Intercultural Comprehension and hopping for employing personalized voiceprint links between electronic-brains and human-minds on line and in wireless ways.
The Twin-Rainbow, is always there, but we can not see it as clearly as our holy forefathers did, as it has diminished by continuous human disrespect to Alohimself as The Wind-Water-Ice, The Air we must have to live life which is also the same element as Water our body mostly consist of and keeping us alive, where without this so special H2O element also witnessed as Snow or Ice we can play with and use. If you look carefully at the next rainbow in your life, you may see a very vague ghost of its twin, and the twin rainbow can be seen not only in special pure places on our Earth, but even there, I see it is diminishing. While I was young, I was shown how from the twin-rainbow we see Alohim's single digit name in the sky also; but Alohim showed me its Eye In The Sky - so as I have seen its real and only full view - I tell my story, as Adam did.
|OLAM|_Please note: There is no double rainbow, such concept does not exist = _|TRUTH|_
|MIK1| Twins are always born, created, at the same time and part of the same event.= _|TRUTH|_
|MIK2| Doubles, are more of the same; and not part of same as twice is.= _|TRUTH|_
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