This Unveiling of True Service, is Blessed as Effective for serving The Miraculous one of oneness Alohimself.
The Bible's Toråuh books start with a 1st and 2nd chapters, of SAME Original 'Story of håAdåm håRishon' to "know" air as Alohimself to be present at all times and we know it in the 'echo' in nature to the sound of our pleadings, prayers plus praisings.
The 2nd chapter is documenting what the writer was taught as to our tribal prehistory and blessed history evolution during ages into the future of this yet better world planted in heavens of the cosmos on the only warm living planet containing water as ice plus air plus so miraculously seeded Earth and its_-—.Moon within the dark cold space by the Grace, of our Life Sustaining SUN::
Above, is the Biblical Eevreet/Hebrew "In the beginning..." Chapter, here, with a new addition to update BIBLICAL PREHISTORY from the now wiser viewpoint of our 1st generation to see the 'world' as it is in space, during our annual 'trip around the sun' each year = an event we have started documenting as Truths of Facts some 5773 years ago which we now understand much better then our wise and gifted plus blessed forefathers's, who started seeing us to be living on a flat world with the sun rise and set over it each day, by cycles of 7X4X12/13 Months as 2 years + 1 Leap-year.
MeeLeaKcutTéCqheeLåuh{mlkthl}= To Start With, is like but not same as "Beginning"; where 'beginning' is like birth which was 'started' yet before, and 'started' is the original conditions' founding events...