This is our Global, ORDERING INFORMATION WebPage:
Please note the Pre-patent Special Condition of ordering Patentable Products & Services:
Our Technology, Design and Product Lines, are related to the discovery and tests we have already made in the art of "Superior Surface Effects", resulting with patentable hulls' design and Patentable product line.
Keeping our trade-secrets, is necesary in modern times, and we need and aim to first find our wanted major-partner and/or needed major client(s) for starting the sharing of the discovered plus innovented but not yet published/finalized advanced knowhow we like to share with the world of mariners. Yet, now, prior to patenting or any disclosure under the international patent systems, we can not profit nor sell our yet new original products and services related to the unpublished invention; so we are gathering potential orders we shall supply 1st to potencial clients, as soon as our needed corporate-partner(s) are found and comited to our project.
We can take deposits on pending orders, and we can employ advanced R&D with any Major Client we choose, if suitable, as we ask here from potential partners, to place an order.
So to reserve a priority among our future clients-users, and and/or employers of our proposed add-on product and/or for any original new construction and manufacturing projects - we are compiling a list of potential orders so not to disapoint your interest - and we offer this option on a global international basis within all trading nations.
You can add your note to us in the text box here, if you like, so please feel free to write your terms, in the field/text-box of our PayPal Cart:
For Orders of Superior Surface Effects Fins Products
we ask for a Refundable Goodwill Deposits of $225.ºº per order
As a Customer or a Marine Business we welcome orders from (Manufacturers, Distributors, Upgrade Service Providers in Boat-yards and Shipyards) but we must keep you on a waiting list until I obtain the needed legal and corporate protection.
Here is the small print explanation of the process we shall follow, when we can fill your order. We shall also keep you informed, at least, twice a year...(sorry, it has been so for few years.)
We shall first need to know your Specific Craft as our Client, or as a Manufacturer of a Class of Crafts you produce; and the timetable of your upgrading project. Each upgrade project will have Customized Services, Product and Pricing.
So please email to us the following information about your Boat, Cruiser, Yacht, Vessel, Ship, Seaplane; by giving all the information you can, so that we grant you best service and most suitable technological product.
The Fins, are priced by length and materials used, and are all made of the highest quality. Licensed Installation at your selected location, boat-yard or shipyard are additional costs depending on employment and contract costs at your selected location. While for Personal Water Craft fins are only 3 feet long, our product line is Starting with 6 feet long Fins (In Stainless Steel and other softer materials) and up to more then 100 feet long Fins; costing from $550.00-USD and up for small Boats, averaging $3,500.00-USD for Cruisers and starting at $9,500.00-USD for small Yachts. The technology is delivered by the proper installation of the proper product for each application, to create an apparatus for lifting and lubrication of the wetted undersurface of any given aquatic surface hull, used for racing or recreation, transportation or shipping as well as defense and other special applications.
Customized Consulting for new construction in Single or Multiple Projects, where this and more advanced technologies can be offered, will be arranged by contacting me personally by email <> or by phone 972-055-999-1713 Israel Standard Time, as posted within this website.
If you already have pictures of your craft, At Rest and at its Top Performance, this will enable us to help you more efficiently with the proper installation to offer you the best technologic option for your craft. Please email your letter, with attached pictures.
Our preferred method of payment, is by cheque mailed to us.
Thank you for your Order and Interest, in this revolutionary Technologic Upgrade, or Referral to a friend that you would like to help.
Mr. Amnon M. Cohen
President "SUPERIOR HULLS INC."email to me: