Wanted Maritime Marine Investor, Partner, Major Client, Licensee
2021 Superior Hulls Inc. BC-Canada & Israel.
Invited Investor to
Flexible PowerFINS' Project:
Here is a well secured, exciting, and very profitable marine business opportunity, I would like you to consider.
Now that the technology is developed and was registered as utility-patent applications in the USA Patent Office, and not published so to protect our sought 1st Commercial-Partner, it is also ready for marketing and its Advanced R&D implementation. We seek to market this extremely profitable product line, of FlexibleFINS; and now, is the best time for a suitable contributing plus capable investor to join this ongoing project. I am seeking an active contributing and/or a silent incorporated partner, who will be committed to the success of this promising commercial project.
This first planned commercial marketing initiative, where we are armed with our newly patented technologic product-line, has been named "PowerFINS", and it is set to enter the Marine Transportation + Recreation + Defence Industries with this highly beneficial and profitable product line of Flexible Hydrodynamic Fins.
This is a completely new, advanced and revolutionary marine technology, with its new impressive capabilities of granting surface-skimming and surfing plus lifting capabilities for all existing Watercrafts as well as yet new marine construction projects. This is an initiative to make the invented technology available to hundreds of thousands and then to millions and potentially billions of clients worldwide; by offering a fast and simple Marine Upgrade Installation which is a highly beneficial upgrade to any and almost every existing hull from the existing vast International market of marine Watercrafts of all sizes, represented by the billions of marine crafts of all sizes and shapes. (see note at bottom of this page*)
SHInc, is now seeking a financially capable investor, or her/his agent, and preferably a marine-industry-insider company, industrialist, or enthusiast or racer, to help me launch our planned "Strategic Business Development Plan" of this safe rewarding venture, which is aimed to market and make the technology available to Major Marine Manufacturers and Distributors, as well as all mariners and the offshore racing community.
When you are my partner, you can expect to be well informed and financially rewarded with good, fair and secure return on your multiplying Invested capital as we shall hopefully agree to share from our higher then average profit.
2021 Marketing, The Superior Fins Product Line
At this time, SHInc., can consider up to $4,000,000.¼¼ USD Investment Capital for meeting our accumalated investment, while yet much less new cash is in fact needed to tap this $25,000,000.00 market-wealthpool, needing for the short term marketing-seasons only about USD$ 500,000ºº or more if new commercial partner likes, as initial newworking capital, for more professional research development plus purchasing new assets for demonstrations of the technology and for educational simulation marketing of the product line.
This $25,000,000ºº USD venture, is projected to use only up to USD $500,000ºº in total new investment capital in order to implement and guarantee our win-win-win-win profitable business-plan, within the next three years, in short term, and your investment is expected to be repaid from obtaining expected new revenues, and deriving ample new net income to keep our secured growth. The worst projections, where there will be no help from industry insiders, indicates we may use up to $750,000ºº USD ultimately, but no more should be expected, to finally tap this new market for the long long term. We shall set a strong foothold within the next seven (7) years in the International marine industry. We shall know this as a fact, after we put-at-risk only US$25,000ºº--US$75,000ºº (A safe 6%-20% risk-rate) of this new capital investment, for carefully funding our marketing expenses used to reach new financial stronghold within the marine industry. The projected market we aim to tap initially, is $25,000,000ºº USD in sales of new beneficial marine product and technology, within our first business decade or sooner. My development costs of the "Powerfins" technology alone are about $750,000.00 USD and the total business development costs invested in the above mentioned technologies is about $4,000,000.00 USD in development costs since 1974, when the original private research company was founded and formed.
* A two page copy of the Executive Summary extracted from our 55 page copy of the project's updated Business Plan, including part one of our Business Strategy Plan which complies with the already ongoing Global Business Development and ongoing Executive Marketing initiative to few selected major manufacturers, is available upon your request. Our 55 page Business Plan can also be shared with interested investor(s), and changed to fit your expectations and conditions.
"Superior Hulls Inc." is a private company which like its sole owner, has no debts or any outstanding obligations, and is operating with limited cash flow from personal income, love-investors and holdings.
Superior Hulls Inc.'s corporate global taxation position is ideal, and is open for choosing our mutual profiting interests' preferences.
As you can read, I am seeking a relatively small investment in this fine profitable venture, with hope for locating a contributing or silent investor(s) to share the investment and be rewarded from our marketing this beneficial and safe, newly developed world class marine technology and its product line, so we both (all) share the highly rewarding results of my successful work and productive merit.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for expressing your interest,
Amnon M. Cohen
PLEASE NOTE: We are targeting the existing billions of dollars market of crafts which can now use the new additional fins, in order to travel faster and more economically with increased comfort of ride plus adding longer life to the structure of the boat from reduced and eliminated pounding on water; all these benefits are gained by any craft vessel and ship which uses this new technology, saving at least 7% on fuel, and increasing up to and more then 20% of existing Top Speed performance of the craft, and also granting more pride of ownership. All these benefits, are included in this special technology that is 'very friendly' to marine life on and in the marine environment and its ecology.
At this time, SHInc is seeking one or more, investors; for holding 7% blocks of capital (Applicable by other tangible contribution of any or all the needed business development assets for transporting the Show-Boats and marketing the product). This new capital will be used for purchasing our needed well secured new business assets, to be employed as our initial Marketing Tools and Business Development for generating new income from standing orders and new ones, in a very short term. These sought new business tools are; Our Trade Shows' Booth with corporate marketing supplies and sales' information materials, and our impressive Demonstration Show Boat(s), to be towed by a Mobile Executive Marketing Office (An Office-Van towing a small family Cruiser-Demonstrator.) plus our marketing and business development budget for selected Trade Shows, and for funding stronger Executive Marketing to targeted Major Vendors, and attract News and Publications plus fund focused advertising and hopefully also having a Racing budget to impress the market. If a Demonstration Show Boat is provided by an investor, a manufacturer, or if any of these said business-tools are provided, or where a major manufacturer is involved, yet less capital is actually needed then to tap this more then $25,000,000ºº USD and much richer new wealthpool, within the next three to seven years or sooner... .. My/Our USD$4 Million dollars company can be a USD$ 25,000,000.00 corporation in less then a decade of business, after this needed Marketing Capital investment....
Please Note also: This company owns other related, highly valued technologies in the new art of "Superior Surface Effects" including the "Continuous Lift and Multi-Lubricated Hulls" technologies, useful for the most advanced surface-skimming capability anyone may have now, years ahead of any competition; and we also own the conceptual design for Universally Intelligent Personal Nomadic In-Cell Manufacturing and design capabilities of our special performance boats' and ships' hulls'-line design, - boats manufactured by remotely controlled Intelligent Robotic Manufacturing plants. Advanced Manufacturing by "Superior Hulls Inc." and its shelved companies "Superior Products" is under our "USWEATT Technologies" Division, the developer of the simple robot and its universally intelligent and automated Nomadic Manufacturing In-Cell plants of our special performance flying sail and powerboat design. This is a planed Flying boats line RIB with some business options still open.