Blessed Brilliant Solution: Originally developed in 1983, yet ignored by others' corporate interests & posted here as initial information-website of this OPEN INNOVATION proposal in 2007 / timely updated as best global opportunity for 2023/5783 and beyond... ...for the creation of Echological Machines.|| עיבוורית, למחשבים חכמנים, בהיגיון בת חכמת האדם ובהד-עד חי =בכל לשונות הבריאה
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USCIIIII CODE Global Information HUB |
Universal Standard, Coded Internationally, Intelligent, Intensively Interactive, Information Interchange. | |||||||||||||||||||||
This opportunity for Universally Intelligent Internet Project, is the most important future-project posted on the www internet - as it is the only and the best possible way to bring all existing cultural natural languages to the level of "Superior Natural Languages_Tongues" within 'One Naturally Universal Lexical Standard' set originally by Creation and evolution of Languages from original Tongues, and is therefore also a blessed solution for universal, intercultural comprehension among peoples as well as echo-logical-machines {Wizened Computer—Robots}. Universally Intelligent Internet will be possible by employing the EchoLogical Machine solution for Universal natural Logic SynTexting of Intercultural Content, which is yet kept as trade-secret in this yet confidential project, and therefore no trade secrets are posted or shared on the www or here regarding these "Symbolic Instructions and Natural Logic SynTexting' concepts for universal automation by natural human logic.
Please Note: What Apple, Google, Microsoft and everyone is trying to do with Speech Comprehension & Universal Translation and related technologies, trying to merge the Human-Mind with the Electronic-Brain, may help pave the way for easier transfer into proper future design as proposed by the development of usciiiiii-code. As The GURU and the inventor, I am employing this way of sharing information in parts and on sections which are related to the few key aspects of the project, including the reasons and justifications from the Moral and Academic reasons as well as Technologic and Factual elements of this more comprehensive Information Technology advanced high tech' solution. Please overlook the simplicity of these webpages create by old software
TECHNOLOGY WEBSITE!not online!There are OLD primitive sites for sharing some of the much bigger picture of The Big Story, we are not trying to HIDE but aim to SHARE with PARTNERS to this OPEN INNOVATION based on the success of other Trading plus Cultural Natural Languages, as well as Tongues.
The key objective, is to automate the Intercultural Comprehension of any given wisdom, shared with computers capable of listening, understanding, communicating and working with us, as global, international users clients. Starting with the understanding, no one yet OWNS A LANGUAGE, this important project has been mistakenly misunderstood, by a greedy and selfish fearful irresponsible entrepreneurs and all who follow VISTA type systems for Virtual Worlds thinking... ...not our real working and living world and lives. These moral considerations, were why we 1st posted these old websites. These old website are only kept on my computers @ -404-See Reasoning and Education about GOD Our Creating Machines in our own image, capable of Universal Speech and logic. @ -404-See older Moral design website @ -404-Older Academic Design and explanation |
What the industry calls "Universal Speech to Speech"
is extended beyond The Look of Universal Speech's LIVE
TEXT this innovation and its inventions expend into the finer
arts of 'Personal , Universal Intercultural Intelligent Automatic-Comprehension
in all natural-languages.' levels of needed natural human machine
interface. Please take note, that The Limitations of English are seconded by the limitations of knowledge to be deliverable by English; as well as the limitations of human imagination and abilities to comprehend beyond what is naturally and factually is true in the existing realm of life's - Universal Natural Communications' telemetries' capabilities! In simpler terms, there are many sounds in natural languages used by humans as well as other living beings, which are not write-able or expressible by the Anglo-Saxon spectrum of language, which in fact limits English in its true written form as well as actual spoken forms not able to properly document and pronounce names of people and places and many other existing natural vocal expressions. English, is still like the most modern Babylonian language for computers and peoples as well... Some languages do better, some more some less, but one does stand out next to Mathematics, which is how machines work best. This invention, deals with extending all natural languages into the full spectrum of human speech and natural logic expressions, and will include all living languages as well in its full and more comprehensive universal lexical code.
עברית ואנגלית הן לשונות שונות להבנה, ורק בעברית האמת קימת בהתאם להיגוּי בקול ובכתב של עובדה ועדוּת מובנת לכל אדם בעולם שבמהרכב-הלשון העברית במוּבני הטבע וטבעו של כל חי, במכסה ההיגיון הטיבעי לכל-חי וההרכב בדיקדוק הלשון והשפה העברית לשמר תרבות שלמה וקימת, גם בתפילה. והאנגלית, ללא סוף מוסיפה מילים בהיגוּי ועיתוּק שונה, כדי להשלים ולהעלות את יכולת הבנתה וביצועיה לשמר תרבות שלמה כשלעצמה דרך המוני מילים ומישפטים ארוכים לסיפור או טענה, בהתאם המילים, ובעייוות מעוּות מהשלם והנכון להגות את הכתוּב בדיבור מוּבן לשוֹמע – וכל זאת, הגם שאין התאמה באנגלית להיגיון האנושי הטיבעי לכולנו, בני האדם ובני האנושוּת
שמות של מקומות בעולם ואו של בן בת שאי אפשר לכתוב, לא עוזר למחשבים חכמנים בהיגיון בת חכמת האדם, שכמו מחשבים של היום, עובדים בכל לשונות ושפות העולם, ולכן אנו מציעים שיטוּף פעולה עולמי לסטנדרד יוּניברסלי USCIIIIII—CODE for universal automation of Echological computerrobots.
FINANCIAL HELP HELPS Without these blessings, maybe "Not in our lifetime", but-yet already for 30 years since 1st proposed, accepted and railroaded by selfishness; This is the only blessed Lexical Solution which like math, can RUN computers better then humanly possible but on same natural verbal and printable communication we already employ each and everyday, on International, multi cultural, multilingual basis... ...which, after years of ongoing investment of capital and man-hours, and with much efforts to enlighten others who can but selfishly choose to arrogantly be/stay ignorant, for jealousy plus competitive reasons, mostly.
Please, use our DONATION link to PayPal, and join our blessed important initiative that is not commercially motivated but culturally and economically needed for all trading and communicating people, also alive and well on Earth.
Please also share your questions and impressions, with your contacts as well as us, when you like to know or understand how the magic or blessing works...
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