We have implemented extensive tests of the innovation to verify it is safe for use and very beneficial for the few key advantages it offers the industry and its clients.

Tests of the FINS as add-on technology for all existing or new boats were on calm and active water, on the open ocean lakes and rivers including ice and obstetricals and small waterfalls, as well as big waves.

The result are additional types of fins for special preferences of softer or rigid action, extra lifting, spring loaded automation or passive automation, and all the trade-secrets or the discovery are to be shared with our collaboration partners.

The Superior Hulls design was tested on a special innovated tow-tank for very high speeds and in a private pool for slow speeds.

The model had it own power, but also was tested by very strong water jet on its towed small model.  The hand crafted (3D) model is kept by us away from any eyes which are not part of our company.   Its secrets are also hidden from eyes which look at it, as special instructions to understand it as well as the more advanced options we are keeping for the future, are reserved for the part of the project where the Superior Hulls’ Design will be manufactured for consumers.

The opportunity in this project is far reaching, which is why we have chosen to first find the suitable wise major partner in the industry and not risk the many ways competitors will act to take advantage of the new market without knowing the trade-secrets of the discovery and potentially creating harmful copies of the product-line. Because the fins are also valuable for existing boats and ships, we have chosen to aim at this already big market of upgrading any and all boats and ships with the many benefits of the technology, starting with the economic and superior performance and riding capabilities including the additional lifting capabilities where client wish to have that special new capability without loosing the performance of the boat they already have. The future growth is already charted to the option of completely automated “Nomadic Manufacturing” of the hulls for Superior-Flying-Boats with the superior-hull design itself.

In the past, major corporations were inviting innovations which will interest them, and it was wise to do, but as monopolies grew with hunger for power, they have been searching for smaller companies to take over, at higher costs, resulting in ignoring and missing major opportunities which had not entered the market or wanted to put at risk the products or services they have developed.

“Superior Hulls Inc.” is a Canadian company located on Vancouver Island in the Province of British Columbia, CANADA and at its location has the original primary product line ready for marketing, but its owners had selected not to enter the market before finding the proper suitable major commercial partner in the industry.

The opportunity for the wise Maritime Corporation is the ready project at development costs and not at Take-Over costs.

“Superior Hulls Inc.” is seeking pre-patent-partnering, which is the best any wise corporation can expect from a project which has been estimated to be bigger than the Trim-Tabs and Stabilizers plus Air-Lubrication combined markets which are already a multi-billion dollars market.

There is much more in this very special opportunity and why it is open for the suitable wise Maritime corporation that is not published at this website.  It is not only because the owners had retired many years ago already, and know that his sons will be better served if they inherit the share of “Superior Hulls Inc.” in this project that the sought partners can be very proud of owning.