What is special about this opportunity, is the modern wisdom employed so to protect the owners and partners in the project - because of its potential to impact the industry to shift towards using its technology as the most modern advancement in the industry - and because the new technology is based on a discovery the industry had been hoping to be found and developed. "Superior Hulls" has done more, by innovating the technology to be simplified and most effective and offered at low cost and be highly profitable/rewarding.
In the past, before the AIA and PTAB risks for new patents, an inventor published the IP (Intellectual Property) and started a new start-up company which as it grew attracted major corporate interests who wish to trade or take-over the company or be hostile and just copy or pirate the IP so to compete with the original owners of the IP without licensing or buying its products and services.
While there is an active Patent Application at this time, Modern wisdom is indicating to us that we are better to find the suitable major corporation who will welcome the special opportunity to be partner from the start, as if it is an in-house innovation they were not able to develop or discover as the inventor has done, and be the ones to bring the technology and tap the vast market projected for the project - which is realized when you see the many commercial benefits and the global spectrum of the "FlexiblePowerFINS" product line or the "Superior Hulls Design" itself.

Here are the safe commercial benefits gained by one simple installation.
7%-20%-40% more efficiency depending on the existing hull and selected upgrade.

There is more information about this opportunity for COLLABORATION and or REFERRALS in this opportunity at this other website
Here we share the key points we like you to capture.
There are new trends in the industry to market old technologies which has been updated to advanced capabilities of our time, and these are FOILS + ELECTRIC technologies — but our yet new DISCOVERY, Innovated as simply automated "Flexible FINS" for Boats and Ships and our "Superior Hulls" design for multi layer lubricated hulls of ships are not only more economic to buy and install plus use, but are also more practical, safe, well tested, beneficial, economic, highly effective products. (Which make Electric Boats/Ships more economic to use, and make boats fly without Foils.)
Because of the importance of our discovery and the patent but mostly protecting our clients, we are not selling yet till we find the proper wise partner in the project.
You are also welcomed to write to us for asking respectfully about this opportunity.