




Here is a real Surfing plus Flying Boat, a 12 feet long Rowing boat with 15HP engine; not a boat with wings or Seaplane which is air-powered, aroplanes that war veterans like to call flying-boats. This boat is exclusively marine powered and propelled, yet it does fly softly on top of the water without surface pounding, it Surfs at very low power and Flies at high speeds, and the boat can turn by cutting much sharper and faster corners, horizontally, and yet safer then was possible before the fins installation... ...And therefore, we shall always recommend seat belts at high speeds. There is no pounding, instead, there may be a new desire for wave jumping and/or lift-offs waves, for the fun of the exciting feeling you see PWC do; and the occasional fall into a big hole in the water, is a soft slap on the water and not a sinking-splashed-fall. Yes, adding these fins is rewording in many ways.

These are only some of the exiting benefits you have yet to experience, further to the key promised benefits of faster speeds and significant fuel and operating plus maintenance costs' reduction...

All boats, vessels and yachts, work boats or ships, including Seaplanes; benefit from this very cost effective hull performance upgrade...



Click Here>> To SEE BOTH Before & After Video <<Click Here

To see You Tube of each one, click on these following pictures

<<- Before-Fins installed & After Fins installed->>

The way to go with rising cost of fuel . Plus Surf or Fly faster and have more fun!

*BEFORE Pushing, Plowing and Spraying at High Speed, as manufactured.

At high speed, the boat is spraying its wake, and is running deeper in the water, then when it has the Surfins installed .

Above , the cruiser cruising with NO FINS


Below , the cruiser cruising WITH FINS at Middle Chine No Wake! (The little spray leaking shows we need to add 1/4 inch to fin)


*AFTER Lifted Up, Surfing and Flying on created water lubrication layer. With the fins installed at its middle strake, the Cruiser has been lifted and is just starting to fly on the surface of the water... ...from Plowing the water to Surfing, we can yet rise more and fly higher on the water surface, and achieving this, with yet less actual draft in the water, when we put the proper fins at the proper place...

These actual live pictures from video tapings, clearly show this same boat has been lifted up on its middle chine spray rail, and instruments indicated 20% speed increased efficiency at lower speeds and 7% increase at high speeds, resulted from Regaining the power which was/and is usually being lost to "Hump Drag" before installing the Surf/Fly-Fins on this or any other marine craft.

Our Continuous lift hull is a revolutionary design, and yet much beyond the newest popular existing Ventilated, Stepped and Modified "V" Hulls offered by the industry leaders. The secrets of our new design will stay ours, until we can show these to the A Class and F1 Class in Offshore-racing. The Speedfins technology will be day-viewed first, to make its impact on all existing hulls designed to be used for work, pleasure or for safer racing.

This already comfortable boat was flying and softly jumping waves with no pounding action and with yet softer riding on the water, as it was flying more horizontally along the water surface, which is part of this improved design... ...Where Power is trimmed to be in line at 0 degrees and Trim tabs are used for balancing the heeling angle, as the fins and the hull do all the lifting over the hump.

Superior Hulls' HOMEPAGE

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