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Risks of Wrong AI uses

A.I. Unfortunately, CRIME is a way corporations also employ and not only individuals.

In the IT industry, corporations use AI for administrating information gathered on potential clients, and as the capabilities get closer to working so to serve the motivated greed of corporations, there are already warnings on how CRIME can prosper by the ongoing uses of AI, and not to our real benefit as originally expected, to be helpful in improving our quality and safety of life and living.

Greed is already leading to these criminal uses of AI (Which is not safe as our proposed Universal Automatic Comprehension which uses symbolic instructions and not sample-based searches.)

Natural human speech and Natural human logic

Intercultural Translation When we talk, we do have our own voiceprint, and we speak our minds, in one of the many existing languages. Yet, the capability of transferring it to a machine or another language or another person is yet the problem they have not yet been able to resolve or innovate, mostly, starting with the need to understand our created image as humans among all other created.
Sample of Speech

Continue reading "Natural human speech and Natural human logic"

Limitations of existing A.I.

A.I. The use of ASCII CODE (For English), is the first limitations of developing the actual dream/hope for linking the human mind with the electronic brain.

English can not properly write or pronounce properly even names of people and places without twisting them into its limitations in a distorted way, and computers and more so Binary Code is can not deliver properly Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text where no concise method is provided as in USCIIIIII-CODE.

A.I. is a game like technology, so its reliability is far from ample, farther from good and very far from perfection by employing the wrong ways to try an seem helpful beyond mathematics. As to Natural Languages and Natural Logic, only USCIIIIII-CODE has the insight into the blessed creation ways.

In fact, I can not even write what I can explain by voice and wisdom in person only, by the limitations of ASCII-CODE and English! The reason I had not done what industry has done, by going ahead on the wrong way for greed and monopoly building reasons, is that no one can claim ownership on English or and other of the more than 5,000 Natural Languages and cultures they hold, and this is why I had originally stopped expecting that my Open Innovation will be pursued by a Major respected and Honorable Institution for creating the Universal Standard the Industry has not been and probably will not develop without my very special gifted wisdom. Continue reading "Limitations of existing A.I."