The opportunity is in advancing the maritime industry with a discovery innovated as superior greener technology.

The inventor's company will not be able to have the capability of handling the vast market of the innovation, which is why it has halted the market ready project in preference of sharing the growth with a wise global corporation in the position to benefit from our proposal. 

The suitable collaboration partner will have the opportunity to be impressed by the inventor's proposal.

The patent applications were registered but not published, so to provide the proof of the original dates it was ready for publication

The patent applications were registered but not published, so to provide the proof of the original dates it was ready for publication

Our oPen opportunity process

Our business development strategy plan is to partner with the corporation which is suitable and in position to also gain from ownership of the yet new technology

  • Planning

    Our Advanced R&D is an option for our sought collaboration partner to also add value to the already Market Ready Project

  • Organization

    The collaboration between the partners will be deciding as to the way we shall proceed

  • Management

    Management will be by a mutually beneficial agreement

  • Support

    Superior Hulls is available during all reasonable working hours, according to Tel Aviv time