There is another web-site for all interested people to use where Active Forum Options are available.
Similar information is shared at Trading Post sample site, which can be found —> H E R E <— LINK.
This web-site is created only for helping Governments and Industry plus IP service providing professionals see a yet better way for making Discoveries and Innovations succeed in open Global Markets as well as attract large corporate interests. The original mandate of the Patent System and its industry was set for cultivating new economic growth, but there is a problem in our times of PTAB and Monopoly wars which has betrayed the original mandate of the Patent system – resulting in technologic growth of interests for already existing High Tech and Medical interests and not the wider realm of discoveries and innovations as is best for healthy and greater economic growth by the powers of natural selection.
האתר האחר להרשמה והתכתבות ועזרה חופשית, גם הוא באנגלית. כנסו ובהצלחה